Singapore Airlines Trip Report: Introduction and Itinerary
Singapore Airlines Trip Report: UA 534 Business Class LAX-JFK
Singapore Airlines Trip Report: Swiss & Oasis Lounges JFK
Singapore Airlines Trip Report: SQ 25 Business Class JFK-FRA
Singapore Airlines Trip Report: Hilton Garden Inn Frankfurt Airport
Singapore Airlines Trip Report: Lufthansa Senator Lounge FRA (B42)
Singapore Airlines Trip Report: SQ 26 Business Class FRA-JFK
Singapore Airlines Trip Report: UA 535 Business Class JFK-LAX & Conclusion
After a quick security experience thanks to the dedicated lane for first and business class passengers, I made my way to gate A6 at the end of the concourse. It was already packed with passengers and agents were setting up the stanchions and signage for the boarding process to identify which door should be used based on seat assignment and class of service.
Shortly, what seemed like 50 flight attendants made their way up the concourse and boarded the aircraft. It’s just amazing how many there are for this behemoth of a plane and I’m certain Singapore staffs more than the required minimum. As boarding time approached, the ‘gate lice’ syndrome was in full effect with hordes of people standing about anxious to get onboard (yes, I was one of them).
Singapore boards families with small children first along with any Suites passengers that might be standing about and then they called business class. At this particular gate there is no jet bridge that extends to the upper deck, so I boarded at door 1L, was very pleasantly greeted by two flight attendants and directed up the ridiculously wide staircase. At the top of the stairs, another flight attendant pointed me in the direction of my seat, 14A.
My apologies in advance as the seat pictures didn’t come out all that great. My return trip shots are much, much better. The video I’ll eventually compile does have better images, too.


Seat (again)

Cabin view from seat

IFE monitor


Left armrest

Right armrest
The seat is the widest business class seat in the sky and it actually feels awkwardly so. There’s no fold-down armrest similar to what Cathay Pacific’s extra-wide first class seat provides. Instead, Singapore supplies a small pillow and sturdy arm cushion. It doesn’t really do the trick if you want to rest both elbows at equal height, but who am I to complain.
After settling in, a flight attendant came by offering a pre-departure beverage and later confirmed my ‘Book the Cook’ meal of pan-fried chicken in green peppercorn sauce prior to pushback. Had I not pre-booked my meal, the dinner menu was already in the seat pocket.

Dinner menu
We pushed back a minute or two ahead of schedule and surprisingly, were airborne in another five minutes – something rare for JFK, in my opinion. As with most foreign carriers, the seat belt sign was off very quickly while still climbing to our cruising altitude. Flight attendants went into action immediately, first distributing eyeshades and slippers. Other individual amenities were available in the lavatories and shown below.

While I have to say it’s probably more cost-effective and efficient, I very much miss having an actual amenity kit in international premium cabins. Before dinner service got underway, I was eager to check out the lavatory. It’s definitely spacious in a rectangular kind of way and I loved the little foot pedal for the trash receptacle, as well as cloth vs. paper towels.


Loo and amenity drawers

Lav amenities
Back at my seat, dinner service got underway while I plugged in my headphones and began scanning through the fantastic amount of video selections.

Mixed nuts


I have to say, this was the best business class meal I’ve ever had and it’s really on par with what you’d find in first class internationally. The chicken, in particular, surprised me at how moist and delicious it was. While I’m not much of a dessert person to begin with, I skipped it since I wanted to get as much sleep as possible. I hate East coast to Europe flights for just this reason – there’s very little time to get a decent amount of sleep between the post-departure meal and arrival.
Putting the seat into bed mode requires you to stand up, release a handle and fold down the seat back, which then reveals a full-sized pillow, blanket and very thin mattress pad already in place. While it is lie-flat, you are ever so slightly head-high when horizontal. I was exhausted by this point, so pressed the ‘Do Not Disturb’ button and snuggled in for a solid sleep. So solid, in fact, I slept right through the light breakfast.

Breakfast menu
I woke with just enough time to get my seat back into regular mode and freshen up in the lavatory. While waiting for the lav, I stood there at the top of the stairs looking down thinking, “This can’t be an airplane.†It feels more like a cruise ship.

Look down to Suites class

Roped off
As far as service, I have to say it was good- to- excellent. It seemed like I had a different flight attendant for each portion of service, whether it was serving the appetizer, main course, refreshing my beverage or clearing my table. A bit impersonal, but what can you expect for such a large plane. I’m sure Suites class is a totally different experience.
My overall impression of the A380: Too big, but fun to fly. It’s quiet and spacious (in business class), though. I don’t think I’d like to fly it in economy.
Up next: Hilton Garden Inn Frankfurt Airport
Nice flight – thanks for reporting. I have yet to try Singapore in business so looking forward to the opportunity some time. My preference seems to be to take business class rather than first class (though nice to exerience). I seem to prefer having others around on the plane, but not as close as economy 🙂
I have noticed USB ports on several flights but not worked out what they are for. Tried charging my phone with one but that did not work. Perhaps it is a folly to keep passengers entertained.
Connects idevices to ife screen.
14A is my preferred seat on both the A380 and 777-300ER when flying J-class. Try the herb crusted lamb loin on the book the cook the next time – goes well with the Bordeaux. Suggest you nip downstairs if the lavs are occupied upstairs – one can actually do a short work out up and down those stairs! Glad you enjoyed your flight. It’s more fun doing a business flight during waking hours to enjoy the full service.
Great report! Thanks for sharing this. The food looks great, though I would have ordered the salmon! 🙂
Agree with you, RE: amenity kits
A shame award space has dried up on this route…
Just out of curiosity, why “I don’t think I’d like to fly it in economy”? My one experience with SQ was in Y on an A380, and it was great. The $50 extra I paid for a premium seat (exit row waaaaayyyy in the back of the upper deck) was well worth it: infinite leg room and the quietest and smoothest ride I think I’ve experienced on any airliner. Obviously it’s not biz, but I can’t remember a better Y experience.
Surprised that SQ decides to serve a continental breakfast instead of a hot one, especially considering this is Business Class.
@Samuel: I agree. I was a bit surprised there wasn’t a hot option for breakfast.
@Robin: If I had your economy seat, I’m sure I’d enjoy it, too. I wouldn’t, however, want to be scattered somewhere in the back on the main deck.
I have to agree with you on the A380 in that I would not want to fly it in economy class but in J that is a sweet ride. The plane is pretty quiet up top & my last SQ A380 flight was actually the first time I was ever able to sleep more than 45 minutes on a plane. (Probably a combination of the seat & plane which allowed for that.)
Aren’t you happy you “booked the cook” on that flight!?!
(The chicken looked really good.)
@Nancy: I loved that meal and the return trip ‘Book the Cook’ meals were even better. Great perk I wish more airlines would offer in advance.
So, as someone who just booked into Y on LHR-SIN, I was dismayed at the comment about flying in Economy. But I booked 48D, which has no seat in front of it (because of an emergency crew hatch in the floor where 47D would be). So I’m counting on the legroom being an offset to being in something other than J…
@Arrival N. Crosscheck: Well… I guess I should have said if I had to fly in economy on an A380, Singapore would probably be the best airline to experience it on. Besides you and Nancy, I have heard pretty darn good reviews of their seating and service in Y.
Actually, gate A6 does connect to the upper deck, as that is the EK gate, and they board directly up to the second deck, may it be from the lounge, or down in the concourse. I’m guessing they just didn’t do it that day.
@Saketh: Thanks for the info… they also didn’t connect it upstairs on arrival at the same gate on my return to JFK.